Dr Henry Huang is a lecturer in financial services. His teaching interests are in the broader areas of accounting and finance. He has taught subjects in finance, risk management, global financial markets, international accounting, contemporary issues in financial reporting, management of financial institutions, and strategic financial management. He also is the programme leader of MSc International Finance and deputy PLs for BA Financial Services (UK) and BA Financial Services (HK).His main research interests lie in the field of accounting and reporting for derivatives, in addition to accounting and finance in China. His PhD thesis was assessing the usefulness of derivative related disclosures by Chinese listed companies. He has developed his expertise in the development of derivatives worldwide particularly in China and good knowledge of IFRS and IAS related regulations.

Dr Henry Huang, PhD, MSc, BoF, FHEA
Lecturer in Financial Services School Academic Lead for China Programme Leader for MSc International Finance (UK) and BA (Hons) Financial Services (CHINA)
Edinburgh Napier University
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